
Happy New Year !

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◎Dialogue Larry: Hey, Cindy. Where are you going? Cindy: I’m heading over to Di Hwa Street to get some snacks for my family. Larry: You know it’s going to be really crowded over there. Cindy: Yes, but I can bargain with all of the vendors and get some good deals. Larry: Good luck and Happy New Year. Cindy: Happy New Year to you, too. ◎實用會話 賴瑞:嘿,辛蒂。妳要去哪裡? 辛蒂:我要去迪化街幫家裡買些零嘴。 賴瑞:妳明知道那裡會擠死人。 辛蒂:我知道,不過我可以和那裡所有的攤販殺價,買到便宜貨。 賴瑞:那就祝妳好運,還有新年快樂囉。 辛蒂:你也新年快樂。 (資料提供:常春藤解析英語雜誌社)(點閱次數:1541)